
Cedarwood essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the bark of the botanical species Cedrus atlantica, belonging to the family of  Pinaceae.

Cedarwood essential oil comes from a very tall, majestic, pyramid-shaped tree that grows in the Atlas Mountains in Algeria. The tree is prized for its scented wood, wich is insect repellent and used for making chests and other furniture for storing precious items. The oil was used in ancient Egypt for embalming bodies for mummification, and the wood was used for sarcophagi-double insrance.

It is a tree native to the Atlas Mountains, between Morocco and Algeria. It can reach 30 to 35 m high. It is conical in shape, and its wood is quite fragrant. Its branches form floors, and the crown is more or less pyramidal, although with the years it loses its shape.

It is leaves are evergreen, needle-shaped, and clustered on short twigs.

It is grown in temperate climates as an ornamental tree. It withstands dry and hot weather very well.


The benefits of cedarwood essential oil are as follows:

  • Prevents infections: Cedar oil prevents wounds from becoming septic and protects them from tetanus germs.

  • Reduces inflammation: Inhaling or topically applying this oil to the skin reduces inflammation in joints and tissues, which results in debilitating pain or discomfort.

  • Spasms: People who have trouble sleeping due to restless leg syndrome, respiratory seizures, asthma, and other spasmodic conditions affecting the respiratory system, intestines, muscles, heart, and nerves also find relief with the calming properties of cedar oil.

  • Health tonic: It tones the organ systems and stimulates metabolism.

  • Acts as an astringent: It helps cure toothaches, strengthens the grip of the gums on the teeth, and protects them from falling out.

  • Promotes urination: It can help treat a range of conditions such as obesity, hypertension, hypotension, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, urinary tract infections, and the accumulation of toxins in the blood.

  • Stimulates menstruation: Cedar oil is an emmenagogue, meaning it stimulates menstruation while regulating the cycle.

  • Relieves cough: It is an expectorant and effectively relieves coughing and clears phlegm from the respiratory system and lungs, thus relieving congestion.

  • Kills insects: Mosquito and insect repellent.

  • Sedative effect: Cedar oil is an excellent sedative and has a calming effect on the mind. It cures inflammation and itching on the skin while relieving tension and anxiety.

  • Cures fungal infections: Cedar oil has effective fungicidal properties and can be used to treat both external and internal fungal infections.

The therapeutic properties of cedarwood oil are as follows:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseborrheic
  • Antiseptic
  • Depurative
  • Pectoral
  • Regenerative
  • Restorative
  • Tonic

Organoleptic properties

Cedarwood essential oil is liquid appearance that has a color that ranges from light yellow to brown and the characteristic sweet and woody olor.


Characteristic sweet and woody smell


From light yellow to brown




Major components of cedarwood essential oil are beta-himachalene, gamma-himachalene and alpha-himachalene.




C/ Antonio Gómez Millán, nº 29
Parque Tecnológico Citec
41120, Gelves (Seville)

Labdassence Aceites esenciales y plantas aromáticas

Tel: +34 955439492
labdassence @labdassence.com
fbm @labdassence.com


Certificado gobierno España

Nº RGSEAA 31.003179/SE

© Labdassence | SL de Plantas Aromáticas Industrializadas.
VAT ES B28305621 – N° RGSEAA 31.003179/SE